Latest Energy News

Alternative Energy | Storage

Cropped battery interior (uk power networks)

The latest capacity market auction has generated some exciting news. While that may sound like an oxymoron, in this case it is justified as it marks a milestone for new storage technology.

The capacity market is designed to ensure that electricity is available during times of high demand – for example…

Alternative Energy | SMR make or break

Croppedrenew energy2

Donald Trump’s election as US president is expected to change the game in economics and politics around the world. Take UK energy policy for instance.

Trump’s decisions could make or break fledgling plans for construction of small modular reactors (SMRs) as an addition or alternative to large nuclear power plants scheduled…

Alternative Energy | Floating solar farms

Cropped floating solar farm

There is something strange in the waters of a London reservoir. A 57,500m2 floating solar photovoltaic  farm on the Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir is providing Thames Water with an off-grid electricity supply.

Equivalent in size to eight football pitches, the floating energy farm near Walton-on-Thames is thought to be the largest…

Alternative Energy | UK independence

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On 24 June 2016, British citizens woke up to the news that – for better or worse –  they would be forging their own way in the world.

Among the jubilation and the hand-wringing following the European referendum result there were more opinions than facts, and not much has changed in…