Latest Energy News

Aecom emissions reductions plan backed by scientists

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Aecom's plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% have been met with enthusiasm, after the global Science Based Targets Initiative gave them the green light.

Aecom had pledged to reduce its scope 1 and 2 emissions by 20% by 2025, and its supply chain emissions by 10% in the same…

Decision on £1.3bn power link between UK and Norway delayed


Progress on the planned £1.3bn NorthConnect interconnector has been delayed as Norwegian authorities said they have not had enough time to consider the proposal.

Plans to build a 335km long interconnector between Norway and Scotland have been suspended after the Norwegian energy ministry said it lacks “sufficient information” to rule whether…

Notice given of £16.5M nuclear waste site survey framework

nuclear plant

Opportunities to provide services in relation to  evaluation of possible sites for geological disposal facilities (GDFs) for radioactive waste will become available later this year.

Procurement will be via a framework agreement with lots, the value of which will amount to approximately  £16.5M. Time frame is five years, possibly leading to…

Covid-19 | Engineers welcome government key workers announcement


School closure exemptions for children of key workers have been welcomed by  engineers in the transport and energy sectors, including male and female civil engineers.

Last week the government announced that key workers will include those working to ensure transport, gas, electricity and water infrastructure keeps operating.  Association for Consultancy &…

London pioneers first ‘virtual power station’

Solar PV

Households will be paid to store self-generated clean energy in a London-based battery trial now being rolled out in the capital.

It is hoped the trial will lead to domestic storage systems capable of dealing with peaks in winter demand while reducing carbon emissions. An initial small scale trial by UK Power…

Waste heat from tube used to heat London homes


A new energy centre has been launched in Islington to enable waste heat from the London Underground to provide heating and hot water to more than 1,350 homes, a school and two leisure centres in the borough.

The Bunhill 2 Energy Centre is located on the site of the former City…

Ban lifted on onshore wind subsidies

onshore wind turbine

The government has lifted its ban on onshore wind projects competing for clean power contracts.

Former Prime Minister David Cameron ended subsidies for onshore windfarms in 2014, after lobbying from Conservative MPs. However, a new auction scheme will promote renewable electricity generation projects. The next round of the Contracts for Difference…

Funding plea for Mersey Tidal Power project

liverpool skyline from the mersey ferry   2012 05 27

The metro mayor for the Liverpool City Region has called on the government to back plans for the Mersey Tidal Power project.

Steve Rotheram has asked the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to approve £2.5M in funding to progress with the next stage of planning for the vast tidal project following…