
Blackwall Tunnel to part close for five weekends for Silvertown Tunnel works


The southbound tube of Blackwall Tunnel will close for five weekends starting tomorrow, 13 January, so Riverlinx CJV can conduct drainage and gantry installation works for Silvertown Tunnel.

Riverlinx CJV is made up of Bam, Ferrovial Construction and SK Ecoplant and is contracted to build the 1.4km Silvertown road tunnel to link Silvertown in…

Government publishes roadmap to reaching 24GW nuclear generation


The UK government has released a roadmap to enact the biggest expansion of nuclear power in the UK for 70 years, hoping to increase nuclear generation to 24GW by 2050.

The Civil Nuclear Roadmap details plans to increase nuclear power by four times its current amount, which will account for almost…

Worldwide renewable energy capacity up by 50% in 2023 but more work needed


Global renewable power capacity is now expected to grow to 7,300 GW by 2028, having increased by 50% from 2022 to 2023, according to a new report.

The Renewables 2023 report is published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), an autonomous Paris-based intergovernmental organisation that provides policy recommendations, analysis and data…

Council approves planning application for new £25M A19 bypass in Hartlepool


Hartlepool Borough Council has approved proposals to build a new £25M A19 bypass around the village of Elwick.

Construction for the Hartlepool Western Link project, previously labelled the Elwick bypass, will include a new grade separated junction, comprising the erection of a circular ramped slip road and overbridge structure to support…

Sellafield prepares £2.4bn project and asset care execution framework


Sellafield has commenced market engagement on a new £2.4bn project and asset care execution (PACE) framework.

Suppliers on the PACE framework will be tasked with maintaining asset condition and providing new asset capabilities when needed at the Sellafield site in Cumbria. PACE will be the successor to the nuclear facility’s existing…