Latest Tunnels News

Tideway completes concrete pour on deepest and final shaft


The final concrete base slab on Tideway has been poured and set in the deepest shaft on the entire project.

The team completed excavation of the full 64m deep shaft at King Edward Memorial Park in Wapping last month and last week poured 780m3 of concrete to form the slab. The…

London Power Tunnels readies third tunnelling machine for launch


Construction of the latest phase of National Grid’s London Power Tunnels will reach a major milestone later this month with the launch of its second tunnel boring machine (TBM) following its delivery to site this week.

The TBM, named Christine after construction diversity and STEM champion Christine Townley who was executive…

Tunnelling was always a ‘very questionable’ option for A417 missing link


Early plans to build tunnels as part of Highways England’s A417 “missing link” between Gloucester and Swindon was always “very questionable” due to the cost, according to Highways England South West regional delivery director Nick Aldworth.

Local campaign groups and MPs spent years fighting for the road to be put in a…

HS2’s second giant TBM begins journey beneath the Chilterns


High Speed 2 contractors have launched the second 170m long tunnel boring machine (TBM) that will dig 16km of tunnel on the first phase of the railway.

The TBM – named Cecilia – is the second of two enormous 2,000t tunnelling machines that will excavate the tunnels beneath the Chiltern hills…

Legality of £27bn roads building programme in question as court battle begins


The legality of the government’s second Road Investment Strategy (RIS2) will be determined during a two day High Court hearing starting today.

Campaigners from Transport Action Network (TAN) claim that transport secretary Grant Shapps broke the law when approving the £27.4bn RIS2 by failing to consider its effects on the environment.…