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Election delays Heathrow expansion documents


The government has blamed the election for not publishing important documents during its Heathrow expansion consultation, just days after being accused of poor surface access planning.

The Department for Transport (DfT) was due to set out how updated passenger demand forecasts would affect the case for expansion “as soon as possible” during…

First civils order book fall for four years

Night roadworks

New statistics released today show that order books for civil engineering firms fell in the first quarter of 2017, the first such fall in four years.

The data from the Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA) Workload Trends Survey found that on balance 9% of firms reported decreasing order books and only…

Push ahead on Crossrail 2, next government urged

CGI of an Elizabeth line train in a station

Crossrail 2 and Heathrow expansion should begin as soon as possible after the election, according to a major business group.

In its manifesto for the capital, business group London First calls on the next government to introduce a Crossrail 2 Bill as soon as possible to cope with a projected population…

Heathrow denies Tories cooling on expansion

Heathrow r3 north west option cropped

Heathrow Airport has rubbished claims that the government is going cold on expansion, following national news reports that the third runway will not be included in the Conservatives’ manifesto.

According to The Sunday Telegraph, Heathrow expansion will be left out of the Conservatives’ manifesto due to pressure from Boris Johnson, a famous…

Election ‘good’ for Heathrow planning chances

Heathrow r3 north west option cropped

The upcoming general election is a ”great opportunity” for Heathrow because a large Conservative majority will make it easier to secure consent for a third runway, according to a top Heathrow official.

Heathrow Airport expansion programme director Phil Wilbraham told New Civil Engineer that a Conservative government with a large majority…

Councils asked to bid for Heathrow offsite hubs


Councils and business leaders across the UK are to fight for one of four Heathrow expansion offsite construction hubs in their area, representing a shift in major project conventions.

In a bid to boost the construction industry outside London by up to £15bn, Heathrow Airport has asked communities to make their…

Government slammed for clean air plan delay

Carbon emissions

The government has been forced to defend its last-minute decision to delay publication of the draft Air Quality Plan until after the election after critics said it was using the vote as an excuse.

In November 2016 activist group ClientEarth won a High Court case against the government over its failure…

New tram train to guide Glasgow and Cardiff plans

CityLink testing

A pioneering tram train project could see the technology rolled out across the UK, including a £144M scheme at Glasgow airport.

Testing for the £51M light and heavy vehicle hybrid transport system is currently underway in south Yorkshire, where the first tram train route will run between Sheffield and Rotherham. Tram…

Stansted Airport unveils £130M arrivals hall plan


Stansted Airport has announced plans to build a new £130M arrivals hall.

The 34,000m² building, designed by architects Pascall+Watson, is part of the expansion plans for the airport, which is owned by Manchester Airports Group. The airport is submitting a planning application for the building which is on three levels and will…

Mayor blasts government’s Heathrow plans


Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has slammed the government’s “lack of commitment” to infrastructure projects around Heathrow, claiming there is no credible plan to reduce traffic increasing from expansion.

Khan criticised the government’s “hope for the best” attitude in written evidence to the House of Commons Transport Select Committee’s inquiry on…