Latest Airports News

Heathrow plea for extra £1.7bn knocked back by regulator


The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has knocked back Heathrow Airport Ltd’s (HAL) plea for an additional £1.7bn to cover the impact of Covid-19.

In July, HAL submitted a request for an additional £1.7bn to be added to its regulatory asset base (RAB) “to help protect it from the consequences of the…

Heathrow claims Paris Agreement could not be applied to expansion plan


Former transport secretary Chris Grayling was not obliged to take into account UK climate change commitments under the 2016 Paris Agreement when preparing the Airports National Policy Strategy (ANPS) for the proposed third runway at Heathrow Airport, representatives of Heathrow Airports Ltd (HAL) have claimed.

Representing HAL, Lord Anderson QC told…

Heathrow and HS2 gear up for October court battles


The country’s two biggest infrastructure projects face key court battles this month.

Heathrow Airport Ltd heads to the Supreme Court in its bid to overturn a previous court ruling which effectively ended its expansion plans. Meanwhile, on the same day, Bechtel and HS2 Ltd will appear at the Technology & Construction…

Government could bail out aviation sector as ‘last resort’

Gatwick airport entrance lift 3to2

The government may provide additional support to the aviation industry as a “last resort” due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In response to a written question in the House of Commons regarding targeted support for the sector and its supply chain, MP for Witney Robert Courts described aviation as…

Southampton Airport expansion crucial for airport’s survival


The proposed runway extension at Southampton Airport is now “actually needed” to ensure the airport’s survival, according to Winchester MP Steve Brine.

Plans for a 164m extension at the northern end of the runway have been opposed by environmentalists - but in the House of Commons this month, Brine highlighted the…

Heathrow ‘wasted’ money as tunnel refurb costs spiral


Heathrow Airport Ltd (HAL) has “wasted” money on two ongoing tunnel refurbishment schemes, the aviation regulator has ruled.

A Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) economic performance review concludes that HAL acted “inefficiently” on refurbishments of a cargo tunnel and road tunnel servicing its terminals. The cost overrun of both schemes combined is estimated…