Latest Airports News

Aecom to develop aviation infrastructure for hydrogen-powered aircraft


Aecom has partnered with Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAV) to develop infrastructure for zero carbon aviation.

The collaboration will see Aecom provide infrastructure services for HAV's pioneering hybrid aircraft, Airlander. The two companies have signed a memorandum of understanding which sets out the basis and scope of a long-term infrastructure partnership. Aecom…

Heathrow claims pandemic strengthens case for expansion


Heathrow Airport Ltd (HAL) has said the Covid-19 pandemic has strengthened the strategic case for expansion – despite experiencing the worst year in its history.

The airport's results for the year ended 31 December 2021 – published today – show that passenger numbers fell to 19.4M, the lowest since 1972, and…

AmcoGiffen, Eurovia and Kier among winners on Manchester Airports Group £700M civils framework


Manchester Airports Groups (MAG) has appointed AmcoGiffen, Eurovia Infrastructure, Kier Construction and Network Plus services to its £700M Major Capital Works Framework.

The airport operator – which manages Manchester, East Midlands and Stansted airports – will look to these four firms to deliver medium-sized civil engineering projects valued between £3M and…

Heathrow accused of ‘risky’ sustainability strategy that relies too much on undeveloped technology


Aviation experts have criticised Heathrow's new sustainability strategy, claiming it does not adequately factor in expansion emissions and relies too heavily on the development of negative emission technologies.

Heathrow Ltd published its new sustainability strategy - Heathrow 2.0: Connecting People and Planet – last week. The strategy sets ambitious targets such…

Views sought on major London Luton Airport expansion


London Luton Airport’s expansion plans have gone out to public consultation, with the airport operator seeking feedback on proposals to increase capacity to 32M passengers per year.

Proposals put forward by airport owner Luton Rising involve expanding the existing terminal, building a second terminal and making best use of the existing…

What the ‘dangerous precedent’ set by Bristol Airport u-turn means for other UK airport expansion plans


Planning lawyers, economists and environmentalists have warned that the Planning Inspectorate’s decision last week to approve Bristol Airport’s expansion plans on appeal sets a precedent for future UK airport expansions.

Plans to expand the airport to cater for an additional 2M passengers a year were knocked back by North Somerset Council in February…

Bristol Airport expansion back on after successful planning appeal


Bristol Airport's expansion plans have been given the green light following a planning appeal.

Plans to expand the airport to cater for an additional 2M passengers a year were knocked back by North Somerset Council in February 2020. The airport then appealed to the Planning Inspectorate to overturn the decision, with…

Revealed: True carbon cost of the UK’s 8 planned airport expansions

Heathrow expansion

Emission clean up costs from departing flights at the eight airport expansions underway across the UK have more than doubled to £73.6bn, according to research from the New Economics Foundation (NEF).

The increase is due to the government’s September update of its carbon values – the cost of cleaning up each…

Low emission aviation plans are not a green light for airport expansions


New low-emission aviation technologies do not necessarily mean airport expansions should move forward, according to Aviation Environment Federation director Tim Johnson.

Earlier this month the government revealed the concept for an aircraft powered by liquid hydrogen, but Johnson said that when it comes to expansions and emissions, "the key issue is…